Testing Basics: Test, Test, Test* featured image placeholder

Testing Basics: Test, Test, Test*

We on the left have done a great job cultivating a “test, test, test” ethos, and while testing can result in big gains, it takes time and resources that digital organizers often don’t have. And for those working with a smaller list (say, fewer than 100k members or so), the challenges are even greater.

Don’t be discouraged, though; anyone can run an effective testing program, you just need to be aware of your organization’s specific circumstances. For instance, if you have a small list, it’s important to know that there are actually a lot of things that you shouldn’t test (more on this to come in future posts).

To help you get on track toward developing a strong testing program, we’re going to publish a series of blog posts, each focused on a particular aspect of digital testing for small organizations. We’ll be talking about anything from tools and techniques to case studies and getting buy-in from your supervisor.

If there are any specific issues you’d like to see addressed in this series of testing blog posts, please reach out! An email to info@actblue.com with a subject line “ActBlue Blog: Testing” will be directed my way.

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