April ’16 Recap featured image placeholder

In April 2016, over 2,600 different campaigns, organizations, and committees raised almost $50 million on ActBlue, with an average contribution size of just $30. Contributions made on mobile devices represented over 40% of all contributions made sitewide. Read on to see how that compares to where we were at the same point last cycle.

Topline Numbers

APR. ’13 APR. ’14 APR. ’15 APR. ’16
Contributions 170,086 321,504 315,905 1,647,260
Total Amount $6,515,819 $12,262,546 $10,428,208 $49,736,920
Avg. Contribution Size $38.31 $38.14 $33.01 $30.19
Unique Campaigns, Committees,
and Organizations
1,010 1,999 1,364 2,647


Customer Service

In April 2016 our customer service team handled an average of 1,042 email conversations a day.

APR. ’16
Total Incoming Calls 17,588
Email Conversations 31,258


APR. ’13 APR. ’14 APR. ’15 APR. ’16
% Mobile 8.1% 22.5% 24.8% 42.7%
% Mobile for
Express Users
11.5% 25.3% 26.6% 45.8%



APR. ’13 APR. ’14 APR. ’15 APR. ’16
New Express Users 14,167 36,154 28,730 122,323
% of Total Volume
via Express Users
41.8% 52.2% 56.7% 67.3%
% of Contributions
via Express Users
52.1% 57.7% 62.4% 72.9%



APR. ’13 APR. ’14 APR. ’15 APR. ’16
Total Recurring Volume $419,719 $1,027,926 $2,818,806 $9,328,013
% of Total Volume 6.4% 8.4% 27.0% 18.8%


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch at info@actblue.com.

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