This week, we’ve been discussing the Stats Report from the first quarter of 2008. On Tuesday, we looked at ActBlue’s record-breaking numbers of contributions and donors. Our Top Ten Lists of Candidates and Fundraising Pages by Dollars and by Donors followed on Wednesday and Thursday. Today, we end our Weekly Stats Report with another top ten list: Top Ten Pages with the Highest Percentage of Tippers. The title of today’s Top Ten may be cumbersome, but these numbers are very important for ActBlue.
ActBlue doesn’t charge candidates and we don’t charge donors. We don’t take a cut, commission, or sneakily insert any calculated deduction from your contribution. The only fees we pass on to campaigns are the processing fees we incur on the campaigns’ behalf. Remember, we are a Democratic PAC, not a business. Our goal is to get as much money to Democrats as we can.
Allowing campaigns to track and collect their contributions is not the only service ActBlue provides. Our experienced staff gives advice to ActBlue Democrats on how they can mobilize local and national support to win elections. The dedicated ActBlue team works with some of the country’s most well-respected Democrats, and we’ve enabled long shot campaigns to become powerhouse campaigns.
So how do we stay afloat? Like other people in the service industry, we accept tips. You can choose to tip us any percentage of your donation or set up a recurring contribution to ActBlue each month. No matter how negligible you think it may be, we appreciate every cent.
ActBlue doesn’t like to toot our proverbial horn too much, and luckily, we don’t have to because other people are doing it for us. From congressional candidates to prominent journalists to blog readers, people are recognizing the magnitude of what we’re doing for Democrats. Here are only a few of the many plaudits for ActBlue:
- Donna Edwards, Congressional Candidate for Maryland District 4
On February 19, 2007, Donna Edwards talked about the significance of ActBlue for her campaign in a video posted on our blog here. Watch the video or read this excerpt:
ActBlue completely transformed the way that we raised money for this campaign. [I]t took what we were doing at the grassroots level here in the Fourth Congressional District and it spread the message around the country, and so we didn’t just have the Maryland grassroots, we had the national grassroots. It really was because of ActBlue.
[I]’m excited about that, because it means that you…remove the K Street lobbyists from the equation, and candidates like me can rely on small contributions from around the country to support our candidacies. And then it means that…we don’t really have to listen to those guys. We can actually act on our own, and work on policy that makes a difference in people’s lives. ActBlue is tremendous.
- From the Blog on Open
July 18, 2007
By Matt Stoller
ActBlue is not just a part of the landscape, a service that exists because it’s really convenient and useful for us. ActBlue is a representation of what is great about our country, that the principles of diversity, openness, transparency, and collective action can and do work. It’s our movement, and ActBlue is in many ways the engine we rely on. As we learn how to be more effective, as this great country wakes up to what is possible, it is our work and the ideas behind ActBlue that is going to allow the American experiment to restore itself.
April 1, 2008
By Commentator “I’m Cheap”
Act Blue is the most important Democratic invention since fire.
- The New York Times, Caucus Blog
April 3, 2008
By Commentator “Harrier”
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the future of campaign financing. THIS is how we break the hold that lobbying firms and industry advocates have on our government. When a vast number of people all contribute a small amount over a period of time, it all turns into an influx of money that rivals whatever the corporations can dole out. And the politicians that take this funding won’t be beholden to special interests- they’ll be beholden to US, the ones who elected them, as they should be!
Groups like Act Blue…have shown us the way to a better, more responsive government. This is a change for the better.
The donors on the list of Top Ten Pages with the Highest Percentage of Tippers truly understand what we’re doing at ActBlue. Many thanks to all of you!
startfightingnow | 75% |
burnbush | 73% |
blueamerica08 | 72% |
glindthegoodwitch | 71% |
fightfisa | 70% |
fisa | 68% |
bluemajority | 67% |
conyers4carson | 66% |
primariesmatter | 61% |
schauer | 61% |
If you didn’t know about tipping before today’s post, you can still help ActBlue with our mission by donating or setting up a recurring contribution. We hope this provides you with some comfort and clarity about what we do and who we are, but if you still have questions, email us at
Thanks to all of you that made the first quarter of 2008 a smashing success. We look forward to breaking more records with you in this second quarter.