2010: November Statistics featured image placeholder

2010: November Statistics

Number of contributions 19,036
Total raised $1,162,989.25
Average Contribution size $61.09
Committees receiving money 751
Fundraising pages receiving money 601
Pages created 166


In contrast to 2008, November 2010 saw a large dropoff in volume due to a dearth of Republicans obstruction. Much of ActBlue’s post-election volume in 2008 came as Democrats rallied to defeat GOP attempts to overturn election results, chiefly in the hotly-contested Franken/Coleman MN-Sen race. While the number of committees receiving money barely budged, both volume and number of contributions were down:

Sept 2008 Sept 2010 Change
Contributions 32,160 19,036 -40%
Volume ($) $3,421,289.48 $1,162,989.25 -66%
Mean Donation $106.38 $61.09 -42%
Committees 762 751 -1%
Pages Created 358 166 -53%
Pages w/ Money 784 601 -23%


And here are the top committees, by number of donors, for November 2010:

Name Race Donors Dollars
PCCC Organization 5,288 $87,970
McNerney Recount Fund CA-11 Recount 1,619 $111,507
Tim Bishop Election Protection Fund NY-01 Recount 1,124 $104,550
Joe Sestak PA-Sen 898 $48,907
Barbara Boxer AK-Sen 806 $56,311
FDL Action PAC Organization 606 $13,238
Jack Conway Debt Retirement KY-Sen 573 $15,172
Dan Maffei Victory Fund NY-25 521 $58,524
Alan Grayson FL-08 461 $13,829
Democracy for America Organization 310 $8,335


The top committees in November are an interesting grab bag, including the last flurries of election season (Grayson, Boxer, Sestak) a generally successful grouping of recount funds, and three continuing organizations that are building for off-year elections in 2011 and the next round of federal elections. In that, they are a microcosm of political activity–the moment before the election, the weeks immediately after it, and the long game stretching across 2011 and 2012. Also interesting: the calendar effect. Election Day 2010 came two days earlier than it did in 2008, pushing much of that last-minute political activity into October. The final days in 2010 were larger than they were in 2008, but 2008 had four of them.

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