Feb. ’16 Recap featured image placeholder

There was a lot to celebrate in February 2016. Not only did we have our biggest month ever (in terms of both contributions and total dollar amount), but we also launched ActBlue Charities. Plus, nearly 300k people signed up for Express accounts by saving their credit card information. Yes, that’s a new record!

Topline Numbers

FEB. ’13 FEB. ’14 FEB. ’15 FEB. ’16
Contributions 163,039 262,166 228,655 1,929,078
Total Amount $5,822,235 $10,480,397 $7,382,455 $58,829,696
Avg. Contribution Size $35.71 $39.98 $32.29 $30.50
Unique Campaigns, Committees,
and Organizations
801 1,684 1,149 2,155


Customer Service

In February 2016 our customer service team handled an average of 1,026 email conversations a day.

FEB. ’16
Total Incoming Calls 36,596
Email Conversations 29,742


FEB. ’13 FEB. ’14 FEB. ’15 FEB. ’16
% Mobile 7.8% 19.3% 23.8% 39.9%
% Mobile for
Express Users
10.4% 22.9% 25.8% 42.4%



FEB. ’13 FEB. ’14 FEB. ’15 FEB. ’16
New Express Users 23,464 21,633 12,939 286,273
% of Total Volume
via Express Users
45.4% 44.9% 57.3% 67.1%
% of Contributions
via Express Users
54.0% 54.5% 63.2% 70.9%



FEB. ’13 FEB. ’14 FEB. ’15 FEB. ’16
Total Recurring Volume $343,251 $829,068 $2,354,716 $8,866,155
% of Total Volume 5.9% 7.9% 31.9% 15.1%


If you have questions or comments, feel free to reach out at info@actblue.com.

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