November ’16 Recap featured image placeholder

Despite the fact that the election took place just eight days into the month, November was still a huge, $43M month. Following Trump’s win, donors and organizers got right to work, turning their anger into action.

Topline Numbers

NOV. ’13 NOV. ’14 NOV. ’15 NOV. ’16
Contributions 194,239 494,986 628,183 1,425,120
Total Amount $7,396,503 $13,035,721 $17,566,353 $43,440,887
Avg. Contribution Size $38.08 $26.34 $27.96 $30.47
Unique Campaigns, Committees,
and Organizations
1,484 1,626 1,841 2,680


NOV. ’13 NOV. ’14 NOV. ’15 NOV. ’16
% Mobile 19.3% 27.8% 31.8% 37.1%
% Mobile for
ActBlue Express Users
22.9% 29.4% 34.7% 38.5%

ActBlue Express

NOV. ’13 NOV. ’14 NOV. ’15 NOV. ’16
New ActBlue Express Users 14,805 17,066 51,413 89,149
% of Total Volume
via ActBlue Express Users
41.1% 60.9% 59.8% 61.1%
% of Contributions
via ActBlue Express Users
51.0% 64.6% 66.9% 64.2%


NOV. ’13 NOV. ’14 NOV. ’15 NOV. ’16
Total Recurring Volume $594,749 $4,857,505 $5,327,096 $11,604,933
% of Total Volume 8.0% 37.3% 30.3% 26.7%


Customer Service

Our customer service team handled over 300 incoming phone calls per day during November.

NOV. ’16
Total Incoming Calls 9,485
Email Conversations 25,037

If you’ve got questions or comments about our November numbers, you can reach us at

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