February ’17 Recap featured image placeholder

There’s a palpable energy in the air right now. Millions of Americans are asking how they can get involved, and how they can have an impact on the resistance movement. And our big fundraising numbers for February reflect that energy.

We processed nearly six times the number of contributions in February of ‘17 than we did at this same point during the last election.

New donors are coming into the fold every day, contributing to the candidates and causes they care about. And we’re so proud to be helping millions of Americans make their mark on the resistance movement. ActBlue exists to help donors shape our country.

See below for a sampling of our most interesting stats for the month. Since elections occur over two-year periods, the most relevant comparison here is 2015 as compared to 2017, since even (election) years are usually much bigger than odd years (hence those especially big February ‘16 numbers).

What’s really interesting, though, is that there’s no impending presidential election this year, and yet our February ‘17 numbers stack up pretty well against those 2016 numbers.


Topline Numbers

FEB. ’13 FEB. ’14 FEB. ’15 FEB. ’16 FEB. ’17
Contributions 163,025 262,160 228,632 1,923,107 1,351,275
Total Amount $5,661,921.23 $10,219,861 $7,187,341 $56,746,995 $33,576,340
Avg. Contribution Size $34.73 $38.98 $31.44 $29.51 $24.85
Unique Campaigns, Committees,
and Organizations
801 1,684 1,149 2,154 2,206

There were over 2,000 campaigns and organizations fundraising on ActBlue in February. It’s just about double the number that were using our tools in 2015. Where is that growth coming from? There’s a huge spike in urgency and activism happening right now, and it’s inspired people to start up new organizations and run for office — so much so that we’re actually beating our 2016 numbers as well. That’s exciting to see, because we’re still two years out from the next major election, which means there are tons of candidates who haven’t even filed yet.

These new candidates and organizations were immediately able to get started fundraising using ActBlue, and take advantage of the moment and start connecting with grassroots donors.



FEB. ’13 FEB. ’14 FEB. ’15 FEB. ’16 FEB. ’17
% of Contributions via Mobile 7.9% 19.3% 23.8% 39.9% 39.9%
% Mobile for
ActBlue Express Users
10.5% 22.9% 25.8% 42.4% 40.5%


ActBlue Express

The number of donors who signed up for ActBlue Express accounts this past month is more than eight times the number of donors who signed up in February of 2015. It’s just one more display of the huge uptick in commitment and engagement from grassroots supporters. And these donors can give with a single click to any organization or campaign using ActBlue’s platform, so they’re the most likely to come back and give again.

Our ActBlue Express users also accounted for 1.3 million contributions this month, which was almost 65% of our total contributions.

FEB. ’13 FEB. ’14 FEB. ’15 FEB. ’16 FEB. ’17
New ActBlue Express Users 23,463 21,634 12,935 286,699 111,986
% of Total Volume
via ActBlue Express Users
55.8% 44.5% 57.3% 66.9% 60.4%
% of Contributions
via ActBlue Express Users
53.7% 53.0% 58.8% 71.2% 64.8%



FEB. ’13 FEB. ’14 FEB. ’15 FEB. ’16 FEB. ’17
Total Recurring Volume $327,927 $790,921 $2,252,831 $8,290,105 $8,667,566
% of Total Volume 5.8% 7.7% 31.3% 14.6% 25.8%


Customer Service

Our customer service team is available round-the-clock to field questions from donors, campaigns, and organizations in order to make sure everyone is receiving support when they need it. They handled an average of over 800 email conversations a day in February.

FEB. ’17
Total Incoming Calls 8,032
Email Conversations 23,709

If you have any questions or comments about our monthly recap, feel free to email our team at info@actblue.com, or leave a comment below.

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