October ’18 Recap featured image placeholder

Folks, we’ve made it. Tomorrow, all of the work small-dollar donors have put in this election cycle will be on display as Democrats contest more seats than ever before. From the bottom of the ticket all the way to the top, from red states to blue states, grassroots donors have empowered a new generation of candidates to run for office. We’ll share a detailed breakdown of our numbers for this election cycle in the coming weeks, but here are the numbers for October. Not only was it our biggest volume month ever, October was also the biggest month ever for number of contributions and the third-biggest month ever for new ActBlue Express users.

Topline Numbers

Oct. ’14 Oct. ’16 Oct. ’18
Contributions 1,449,977 1,988,727 5,015,003
Total Amount $57,093,213 $82,923,436 $260,620,137
Average Contribution Size $39.38 $41.70 $51.97
Unique Campaigns, Committees, and Organizations 2,503 3,310 7,922

Cycle-to-Cycle Comparison

2014 Cycle through Oct. 2014 2016 Cycle through Oct. 2016 2018 Cycle through Oct. 2018
Contributions 8,245,130 21,194,898 38,666,868
Total Amount $315,827,903 $717,056,656 $1,556,604,597
Average Contribution Size $38.30 $33.83 $40.26
Unique Campaigns, Committees, and Organizations 4,957 6,410 14,511

ActBlue Express

Oct. ’14 Oct. ’16 Oct. ’18
New ActBlue Express Users 73,639 69,532 249,047
% of Total Volume via ActBlue Express 59.6% 59.7% 63.2%
% of Contributions via ActBlue Express 64.2% 64.7% 64.2%


Oct. ’14 Oct. ’16 Oct. ’18
% of Contributions via Mobile 24.9% 36.2% 45.7%
% Mobile for ActBlue Express 26.5% 38.2% 45.8%

Recurring Contributions

Oct. ’14 Oct. ’16 Oct. ’18
Total Recurring Volume $4,462,063 $18,795,605 $34,616,588
% of Total Volume 7.8% 22.7% 13.3%

Customer Service

Oct. ’18
Total Incoming Calls 21,245
Email Conversations 58,528

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