November ’18 Recap featured image placeholder

Here’s a snapshot of our November numbers to tide you over until we release our 2018 election cycle review in just a matter of days! Small-dollar donors did not skip a beat after the midterms: November 2018 is now our seventh-biggest dollar month, coming in right behind October 2016, when grassroots donors gave $83 million in the final lead-up to the presidential election.

Topline Numbers

Nov. ’14 Nov. ’16 Nov. ’18
Contributions 495,115 1,423,929 2,401,214
Total Amount $13,454,226 $44,629,076 $77,543,624
Average Contribution Size $27.17 $31.34 $32.29
Unique Campaigns, Committees, and Organizations 1,625 2,675 6,154

Cycle-to-Cycle Comparison

2014 Cycle through Nov. 2014 2016 Cycle through Nov. 2016 2018 Cycle through Nov. 2018
Contributions 8,740,236 22,618,759 41,048,224
Total Amount $329,282,129 $761,685,304 $1,632,621,051
Average Contribution Size $37.67 $33.67 $39.77
Unique Campaigns, Committees, and Organizations 5,015 6,555 14,752

ActBlue Express

Nov. ’14 Nov. ’16 Nov. ’18
New ActBlue Express Users 17,157 89,975 74,028
% of Total Volume via ActBlue Express 61.1% 61.5% 63.4%
% of Contributions via ActBlue Express 65.9% 65.3% 65.3%


Nov. ’14 Nov. ’16 Nov. ’18
% of Contributions via Mobile 27.5% 37.8% 48.1%
% Mobile for ActBlue Express 29.4% 39.5% 48.5%

Recurring Contributions

Nov. ’14 Nov. ’16 Nov. ’18
Total Recurring Volume $4,012,312 $12,187,030 $17,935,618
% of Total Volume 29.8% 27.3% 23.1%

Customer Service

Nov. '18
Total Incoming Calls 15,663
Email Conversations 43,102

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