Mar. ’16 Recap featured image placeholder

We’ll forgive you if you forgot that we hit our biggest milestone yet ($1 BILLION!!) in March — we almost did. Especially since we’ve raised over $68M since then, bringing our total for the month to a whopping $72M. That makes March 2016 the biggest month in our history. And we went out with a bang as we processed $8.5M on the 31st — a new record for our biggest volume day ever.

Almost 2,500 campaigns, organizations, and committees raised money using ActBlue last month. The average contribution? Just $30. And nearly half of the contributions made this month came from a mobile device. That’s double the mobile percentage we saw at the same point in the last election cycle.

Topline Numbers

MAR. ’13 MAR. ’14 MAR. ’15 MAR. ’16
Contributions 204,630 412,325 327,220 2,418,488
Total Amount $7,635,519 $18,499,273 $13,289,206 $72,650,464
Avg. Contribution Size $37.31 $44.87 $40.61 $30.04
Unique Campaigns, Committees,
and Organizations
951 1,960 1,335 2,458

Customer Service

In March 2016 our customer service team handled an average of 1,076 email conversations a day.

FEB. ’16
Total Incoming Calls 36,552
Email Conversations 33,348


MAR. ’13 MAR. ’14 MAR. ’15 MAR. ’16
% Mobile 10.0% 21.6% 24.8% 44.0%
% Mobile for
Express Users
13.8% 24.2% 26.8% 46.9%


MAR. ’13 MAR. ’14 MAR. ’15 MAR. ’16
New Express Users 25,720 38,616 21,712 305,453
% of Total Volume
via Express Users
46.9% 48.1% 53.5% 67.6%
% of Contributions
via Express Users
54.2% 54.4% 60.7% 73.5%


MAR. ’13 MAR. ’14 MAR. ’15 MAR. ’16
Total Recurring Volume $395,604 $955,028 $2,689,551 $9,829,134
% of Total Volume 5.2% 5.2% 20.2% 13.5%

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch at

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