ActBlue supports online giving through Twitter featured image placeholder

ActBlue supports online giving through Twitter

Just a quick note, since I’m at the Personal Democracy Forum conference today and tomorrow.


Friday evening, we released new software that connects our fundraising platform with Twitter.  We started with our popular ActBlue Express that allows contributors to save a profile, make contributions to candidates or fundraising pages with just a few clicks, and review their full giving history.  What’s new is connecting that profile to Twitter: now allowing donors to give by just tweeting the candidate’s Twitter screen name and an amount.  We’ll respond with a thank you note and you’ll see the usual email receipt in your inbox.
Lots of candidates have a strong Twitter presence, of course, so this is just another case of ActBlue’s search for how we can best help campaigns and their supporters make deeper connections.  We love how the contribution message serves not just as an instruction to our system, but a built in promotion of the candidate and a public celebration of contributing to the Democratic movement.
We’ve just started loading in campaigns and organizations, so if your campaign uses Twitter, please drop us a line at and we’ll get you set up right away.
Full details at our Twitter page.  If you use Twitter, try it out this week and us know what you think!

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