At ActBlue, our goal is to help Democratic candidates, committees and non-profits raise more money, plain and simple. And one of the best ways we can do that is by making it easier to use our system and teaching the 10,345 (and counting!) candidates and groups who have used ActBlue how to be more effective fundraisers.
For years we’ve provided free one-on-one consultation for thousands of campaigns and groups, but we never had the time to sit down and write up our nearly 10 years of experience. We’ve always wanted to reach even more practitioners than those who pick up the phone and give us a call. The glory of an off-year meant we finally could document not just instructions on how to use the robust toolset we have here at ActBlue, but also best practices we’ve learned over the years.
The result is the ActBlue Tutorial, a comprehensive guide that shows activists and campaign admins how to do online fundraising the right way–from using the tools on ActBlue to devising testing plans to implementing advanced programs like tandem fundraising. That means you (yes, even you the solo online activist or small-town candidate running for your first election) can be a fundraising rockstar!

Learn how to create beautiful custom brandings with the ActBlue Tutorial
Running a great online fundraising program is about great planning–figuring out which tools, tactics, and messages will work for you, then testing them out on your list, revising, and trying again. That applies even if you’re working in an unofficial capacity, trying to mobilize support for your favorite candidate or cause among your family and friends. It’s also why we give everyone–from the largest senate campaigns to local school board elections–the same great tools for collecting donations, managing donors, and analyzing results, which can scale to each group’s size and needs.
It can be hard to know where to start with online fundraising, and we’re willing to bet there are a few great tools on our site that many admins and fundraisers have never taken advantage of, or maybe never even heard of. Our tutorial gives you the rundown on each one, with instructions on how and when to implement them, so there’s no reason not to try something new. Even the smallest of campaigns can learn to use the most sophisticated tools.
Of course, our strong and growing political team is always going to be there to answer questions and talk strategy, but we’re excited to be empowering all of our users, campaigns, committees, and organizations by giving them the tools they need to make the best decisions possible. We want to make sure no one’s leaving money on the table, so if you’re running a fundraising program, make a pledge to shake up your routine, and please, tell us about your results. Together, we’re building a movement!
Visit the ActBlue Tutorial here.