We know you want your fundraising data to be accessible, digestible, and shown to you in real-time. That’s why we spend so much time developing and enhancing our campaign dashboards to fit your needs. But you can’t always be monitoring your dashboard.
That’s why we’re introducing our new contribution email alerts. Now you can sign up to receive an email every time your candidate, committee or cause receives a donation over an amount of your choosing. That means you can follow up with a high dollar donor right away and work on building a good relationship.
The average contribution size for most groups is pretty low – it was $34.82 on ActBlue last month – and these donations make up the backbone of most online fundraising program. Everyone knows we love donors of all sizes, but high dollar donors are often very important to organizations, helping them fund new projects or reach quarterly goals. And they’re investing a significant amount of money because they believe in what you’re doing, so you want to be able to keep an eye on them.
To sign up, go to your committee’s page and click on the “User Access” tab. There you’ll see everyone with access to the committee. Click on “create a contribution alert” under your name or a team member’s name and enter an amount for the threshold. You’ll receive an email alert for any donation over this amount. If you want to edit the amount, you can come back to this page at any time.
And we’re always looking to make our tools work better for you, so if there’s something you’d like to see on ActBlue, feel free to drop us a line at info AT actblue DOT com.
Special thanks to Molly Ritner and Greg Berlin (both at the DCCC) for working with ActBlue to design this feature. We love our power users!